
How VoIP Can Help Your Business

By Lilly Ice | May 18, 2022

How can VoIP phones help your business? VoIP represents the latest in business telecom technology.  As usual, the point of technology is to make life cheaper and better.  VoIP does this admirably when it comes to business telecom systems. Quit Doing Extra Work Company IT teams and individual developers can focus more on their core…

Combat Social Phishing With 6 Techniques

By Lilly Ice | May 18, 2022

Phishing represents the most reliable method of attack over the Internet. Why? Because it relies on human behavior, not coding skill.  These days, we’re usually pretty good at avoiding email phishing. However, this being an arms race, other types of phishing are growing fast. Within the last few years, social media phishing has jumped by…

4 Important Cloud Storage Trends In 2022

By Lilly Ice | May 13, 2022

Cloud computing is widely used, but doesn’t enjoy the flash of the software side.  The cloud stored files that could then be easily shared with others, as per the original conception. As advances like automation and AI come to other types of cloud services, like team communications and business apps, cloud storage is not being…

Professional Documentation of Phone Calls

By Lilly Ice | May 4, 2022

“If it’s not documented, it didn’t happen.” How many times has that saying been tossed around in companies? Alas, it’s true, but the question comes up of how? How does a team professionally document phone calls in a consistent manner that holds up over years? Let us help with that. Establish clear, easy call documentation…

Voice Communication Still Matters

By Lilly Ice | May 3, 2022

Despite repeated claims, voice communications haven’t died. Yes, texting, emailing, and instant messaging all make their impacts on communication, but they don’t solve everything.  Voice communication often conveys more information in tone and nuance during some conversations. Because of that, a voice call can often compress the amount of time the conversation will take.  In…

Business Phone Buyer’s Free 10 Step Checklist

By Lilly Ice | April 27, 2022

Welcome to NoContractVoIP‘s 10 step checklist for buying the business telecom system your company needs. We hope to help you make the best decision for your business now and for years to come, no matter what your needs and choices. How long are you stuck for? Many business phone providers demand contracts for a set…

10 Tips for Clear Business Phone Calls

By Lilly Ice | April 13, 2022

Etiquette, at its heart, has always been about making communication easier and clearer. It’s much simpler to understand each other when we agree on the forms, rules, and standards used in written and verbal communication. Phones are here to stay, but they present their own challenges in communication. They can be difficult to understand each…

Upgrade Cycles in Business

By Zach Paraiso | April 13, 2022

Introduction As consumers in an increasingly tech-centric culture, we have already had the idea of upgrade cycles ingrained into our purchasing habits. News stations regularly run stories about the newest gadget and when you should expect to upgrade your current device. Even if you manage to avoid traditional media, the Internet and word-of-mouth ensure that…

Softphones In Business Telecom

By Lilly Ice | April 4, 2022

Softphones allow users to make phone calls over the internet by way of computers or smartphones, with all the features of a desk phone and more. These phones work using software installed on the device in question, connecting the device with a business’s network.  Softphones can be installed on laptops, tablets, or smartphones. They allow…

VoIP Phones, Why Should Businesses Care?

By Lilly Ice | March 17, 2022

Phones are phones, right? A business gets a phone system, it rings, we talk to people, we should just forget about it, shouldn’t we? Well, yes and no.  We should just be able to forget about it, we should be able to just expect to communicate with people and not have to think about if…