Transform Your Business Communication with NoContractVoIP

In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient and reliable communication is crucial for success. For small to medium businesses, choosing the right communication system can make a significant difference. NoContractVoIP revolutionizes business communication with our custom-built VoIP solutions. Here’s why your business should choose NoContractVoIP: 1. Get Custom Business Phone Systems Tailored to Your Needs Every…

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Military Lessons for Modern Business People

We’ve all heard the old trope, “business is war”.  But is it? And if it is, what can we learn from the military throughout history? Welcome to Part I of a multipart series (II, III, IV) on the similarities and differences between business and warfare. From the outset, do let me say that the best…

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Unleash Communication Possibilities with VoIP Phone Numbers

In the era of digital connectivity, businesses constantly search out innovative ways to improve communication and expand their reach. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phone numbers emerged some time ago as a game-changing solution, enabling businesses to streamline communication, enhance customer service, and extend their global presence. Let’s explore the benefits of VoIP phone numbers…

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Hosted VoIP Services: The Future Of Business Communications

In today’s fast-paced business environment, communication is key to success. Whether it’s with clients, employees, or partners, being able to communicate effectively and efficiently is essential. And with the rise of remote work, it’s more important than ever to have a reliable and flexible communication solution. That’s where hosted VoIP services come in. NoContractVoIP offers…

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Online Safety for Kids

As we all know, Internet access is not reserved strictly for adults checking work emails and attending Zoom meetings. In recent years, ease of Internet access for children has expanded dramatically; the percentage of children between the ages of 3 and 18 with home Internet access has increased to 95% as of 2019.  On one…

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Communications for Hybrid Workforces

Remote and hybrid work, devised during the pandemic so businesses could keep going, is here to stay.  While some companies might want everyone to come back in, plenty of employees would rather not commute and enjoy not having to navigate in person office politics.  In addition, plenty of companies have discovered that remote and hybrid…

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Using VoIP To Compete In Business

Since Alexander Graham Bell’s day, businesses have bought telephone services the same way they’ve purchased electricity, janitorial functions, and water for the cooler—as packaged offerings defined by an outside provider. Sure, companies could choose from a menu of configuration options and service plans, but, in the end, the phone company or vendor called the shots.…

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Ins and Outs of Artificial Intelligence

Once considered a futuristic and inaccessible technology, artificial intelligence quickly ingrained itself into modern society to an extent not discernible to most people. Many of our daily experiences became streamlined (and monitored) by invisible algorithms without us even knowing it. So how exactly does AI work? And should we be concerned with its growing role…

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Why Is VoIP Important?

VoIP, VoIP, everywhere people are talking about VoIP.  What gives? Why is VoIP so important? It’s just phones, right? Well, yes and no.  VoIP is important in part because at this point telephones are important.  Phones haven’t been around for most of human history, but like plumbing and electric lighting, have become deeply important to…

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Multichannel SMS and Email Marketing

SMS stands for “short message service.” The strategy is often thought of as text messaging marketing. In reality it’s so much more than that. Messages are limited to 160 characters and contain no images. Messages are quick, clever and concise, perfect for a client on the go. It’s a very powerful strategy. What makes SMS…

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