No Contract VOIP

Ditch Passwords for More Secure Passkeys

Free Office Computer illustration and picturePasswords, although the most used method of authentication, are also one of the weakest. Cyber attackers can often guess or steal passwords easily. Additionally, many people use the same password for multiple accounts, which exposes them to vulnerabilities.

The large number of passwords that people must remember leads to habits that make it easier for criminals to breach passwords. These habits include creating weak passwords and storing them in a non-secure manner.

Stolen or hacked login credentials are involved in 61% of all data breaches.

In recent years, a better solution has emerged: passkeys. Passkeys are more secure than passwords and provide a more convenient way to log into your accounts.

Using Passkey Authentication

Passkeys generate a unique code for each login attempt and the server validates this code. The code combines user information and device details used for logging in.

Think of passkeys as a digital credential that enables authentication in web services or cloud-based accounts, eliminating the need for entering a username and password.

This authentication technology utilizes Web Authentication (WebAuthn), a fundamental component of FIDO2, an authentication protocol. Instead of relying on a unique password, it employs public-key cryptography for user verification.

The user’s device stores the authentication key, which can be a computer, mobile device, or security key device. Sites with passkeys enabled utilize this key to log in the user.

Why Use Passkeys Instead of Passwords

More Secure

Passkeys offer the advantage of enhanced security compared to passwords. Hacking passkeys proves to be more challenging, particularly when the key is generated from a combination of biometric and device data.

Biometric data encompasses facial recognition or fingerprint scans, while device information consists of details like the device’s MAC address or location. This combination significantly increases the difficulty for hackers to gain unauthorized access to your accounts.

More Convenient

Passkeys offer another advantage over passwords by providing greater convenience. Password authentication often requires users to remember multiple complex passwords, which can be challenging and time-consuming.

Forgetting passwords is a common occurrence, and the process of resetting them can cause delays for employees. On average, each password reset takes three minutes and 46 seconds.

Passkeys eliminate this issue by offering a single code that can be used across all accounts. This simplifies the login process, reducing the likelihood of forgetting or misplacing passwords and making it much easier to access your accounts.


Credential phishing scams, wherein scammers send emails informing users about issues with their accounts, rise in prevalence by the day. Users unwittingly click on a link that redirects them to a disguised login page designed to steal their username and password.

However, when a user opts for passkey authentication, this tactic proves ineffective. Even if a hacker possesses the user’s password, it becomes inconsequential. The hacker would require the device passkey authentication to gain unauthorized access to the account.

Are There Any Disadvantages to Using Passkeys?

Passkeys are undoubtedly emerging as the future of authentication technology. However, adopting them at present may present certain issues that you might encounter.

Passkeys Aren’t Yet Widely Adopted

One significant disadvantage is that passkeys have not gained widespread adoption. Numerous websites and cloud services still depend on passwords and lack passkey functionality.

Consequently, users may need to persist with passwords for certain accounts until passkeys become more universally accepted. This situation can lead to a somewhat awkward experience, using passkeys for some accounts and passwords for others.

Passkeys Need Extra Hardware & Software

One advantage of passwords is their ease of use and zero cost. Users can simply create them when signing up for a website.

In contrast, passkeys require additional hardware and software for code generation and validation. Initially, implementing such infrastructure can be costly for businesses. However, the potential savings from enhanced security and user experience can outweigh the expenses associated with passkeys.

Prepare Now for the Future of Authentication

Passkeys offer a secure and convenient alternative to passwords. They pose greater difficulty for hackers and provide a streamlined method for accessing accounts. However, passkeys still lack widespread adoption, and their implementation may require budgetary considerations for businesses.

Despite these challenges, passkeys hold immense promise in addressing the issue of weak passwords. They have the potential to enhance cybersecurity and increase productivity for both individuals and businesses.

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