No Contract VOIP

High Priority Vulnerabilities to Hackers

Free illustrations of HackerOne of the most unfortunate parts of working with technology is the vulnerabilities that each new piece of software contains.  Developers release software containing millions of lines of code, then hackers inevitably search for loopholes within that complex code to crack a system.

Once each loophole is discovered, developers issue patches to “fix” it.  However, feature updates invariably cause more vulnerabilities, making software development and release one more front on the age old arms war.

IT management firms make the vast majority of their money on keeping up with new vulnerabilities.  Knowing which software and operating systems are under attack at any given time is the majority of those firms’ work.

Company networks remain vulnerable without ongoing patch and update management overseen by an educated human with judgment. Most of the successful attacks are completely avoidable. 82% of U.S. cyberattacks in Q1 of 2022 can be chalked up to patchable vulnerabilities that went unpatched.  More than the U.S., though, this is a global problem.

Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Apple, and so many more release products on an ongoing basis.  What new vulnerabilities lurk in such cutting edge software? We collected several that were collated in a warning by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

Patch These Vulnerabilities in Your Systems ASAP


Microsoft Vulnerabilities

Three Microsoft products contain known vulnerabilities.  The worst Microsoft product right now is Internet Explorer (IE).  Microsoft discontinued IE in June of 2022, and hasn’t offered a single patch or update since then.  Due to the lack of support, IE offers a wide open gate to anyone wanting to use it for criminal reasons.  Remove it from all computers that might still have it installed to slam that gate shut.

The acronym “CVE” is frequently used in the vulnerability names. This acronym is an industry-standard naming structure which stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures.

What a hacker can do with these programs:

Google Vulnerabilities

Google Chrome and applications built with Google’s Chromium V8 Engine are also on the list of vulnerable programs.

Adobe Vulnerabilities

People use Adobe Acrobat Reader widely to share documents, believing that doing so is safe. Adobe has made it easy to share across different platforms and operating systems. Unfortunately, its popularity made it a target. It’s also a tool on this list of popular vulnerabilities.

Netgear Vulnerability

Netgear is a popular brand of wireless router. The company also sells other internet-connected devices. These are also vulnerable, due to the following flaws.

Cisco Vulnerability

Cisco, like Netgear, offers Internet connection hardware.


Patch & Update Regularly!

These are just a few of the most dangerous security vulnerabilities listed on the CISA list. You can see all 36 added here.

How do you keep your network as safe as possible? Patch and update regularly. Work with a trusted IT professional to manage your device, software, and network updates. Be proactive to ensure you don’t have a potential breach lurking in your network.

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