No Contract VOIP

How Much Do Bad Phones Cost?

Business phone systems get counted as core infrastructure for any business these days. Companies cannot afford to be without them.

It’s amazing, then, at the level of bad service companies often endure from their phone provider. People often fear change, even if their current solution is costing an incredible amount of money.

Periodic review of core business infrastructure, such as phone systems, represent vital tasks for upper level management and business owners.  What’s it costing now, and what pros and cons come with change?

Costs Of A Phone Provider

The monthly bill represents the obvious cost of a business phone system.  You can see it there in the accounting software or spreadsheet.

What skips under the radar, though, are costs associated with losing business, along with costs of waiting on the phone provider’s tech support.

What happens when a customer calls in only to be unable to connect? They call someone else.  What happens when a vendor can’t get through? Business gets delayed, and time is money.

How much money does it cost for a business owner or one of their employees to be on lengthy hold times with a tech support department? Every minute costs someone’s wage, at the very least. Add on costs of not doing other necessary tasks, and that bill gets very large, very fast.

Pros of Switching Business Phone Providers

Well, not to put too fine a point on it, that large bill goes down.  The company gets more business and business flows smoothly with a reliable business phone system. When business flows smooth, business costs less to do and profits go up.

In addition, can anyone put a price on the sheer frustration of dealing with endless tech problems? The level of team engagement shoots through the roof when nobody has to stay on hold with a phone company trying to get things working over and over again.

Cons of Switching Business Phone Providers

Of course there are always risks that responsible administrators consider carefully. Do the rewards outweigh the risks? There’s the core question of all business, right there.

If the new business phone company is just as bad or worse than the current one, the company will spend a lot of time, money, and stress for absolutely no return.

Training people on how to use the new system costs time and money.  The adjustment period to new ways of working cost time and money.  Stress due to unfamiliarity costs something as well, including good will of employees and perhaps even customers.

The only way around this for a management team is to research the new phone provider carefully before committing, and even that costs the time it takes to do the research. Does the new phone company stand behind its product? Are they reliable enough to not have to need tech and customer support very often? When tech and customer support come into play, will they answer their phones and fix the problem in a timely manner?  All of these questions represent the core uncertainty that businesses face when considering a switch.

Ready For A Top Notch VoIP Business System?

Here at NoContractVoIP, we create custom business phone systems that offer a full suite of hybrid and remote solutions for your telecom needs. Your success is our success.

We don’t try to lock our clients into long term contracts.  If you don’t like our services or support, just tell us to cancel and we’ll take care of it.  No early termination fees, nobody is stuck for years on end, and we’re motivated to keep our clients thriving.

All of our tech support people live and work near our headquarters in California, and tech support always answers 24/7/365. Our billing and customer support are also based out of the same office, and we guarantee that a live person will always answer our phones.

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Looking for the finest stress-free custom business telephone systems? Contact us or call today at 866-550-0005!

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